2017 Tsinghua University “Best Industry Partner” Award
2018 Top 10 Best Paper Nomination from the Petroleum Science Bulletin (PSB) in China - Yue Ma, Yujin Liu, and Yi Luo
2018 Honorable Mention for Best Paper in Geophysics - Liu Lu, Yan Wu, Bowen Guo, Song Han, and Yi Luo
2019 CPCIF International Technology Cooperation Certification Award - BRC
2019 SPE Northern Asia Pacific Regional Award in Drilling Engineering - Yujin Liu
2019 Chinese Chemical Society Excellent Poster Award at the 17th National Symposium of Colloids and Interfaces - Ziyuan Qi
2021 SPE Northern Asia Pacific Regional Award in Reservoir Description Dynamics - Dongqing Cao
2022 SPE Northern Asia Pacific Regional Award - Limin Xu
2024 SPE Journal Technical Reviewer Outstanding Service Award - Shaohua Chen
2024 Top 10 Best Paper Award at World Congress on Internal Combustion Engines - Xingyu Xue et al.
Selected Publications
Liu, L., Wu, Y., Guo, B., Han, S., Luo, Y. (2018): Near-Surface Velocity Estimation Using Source-Domain Full Traveltime Inversion and Early-Arrival Waveform Inversion. Geophysics.
Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Luo, Y. (2020): Source Location with Cross-Coherence Migration. Geophysics.
Hou, J., Han, M., Wang, J. (2021): Manipulation of Surface Charges of Oil Droplets and Carbonate Rocks to Improve Oil Recovery. Scientific Reports.
Ma, Y., Liu, Y., Luo, Y. (2021): Impacts of Model Resolution on Multiple Prediction. Geophysics.
Li, Y., Luo, M., Ma, S., Lu, P. (2022): Massive Spatial Well Clustering Based on Conventional Well Log Feature Extraction for Fast Formation Heterogeneity Characterization. Lithosphere.
Chen, S., AlSofi, A.M., Wang, J., Alotaibi, M.B. (2023): A Polycyclic–Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Based Water-Soluble Formulation for Heavy Oil Viscosity Reduction and Oil Displacement. Energy & Fuels.
Xu, L., Han, M., Cao, D., Fuseni, A. (2023): Catanionic Surfactants for Improving Oil Production in Carbonate Reservoirs. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering.
Cao, D., Ayirala, S.C., Han, M., Saleh, S.H. (2024): Simulation of Hybrid Microsphere-SmartWater Recovery Process for Permeable Carbonates. Geoenergy Science and Engineering.
Feng, R., Nasser, S. (2024): Stochastic Inversion of Fracture Networks Using the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm. Energy
Hu, L.Y., Li, Y. (2024): Regionalized Multiple-Point Statistical Simulation for Calibrating Process-Based Geological Models to Seismic Data. Interpretation.
Liu, L., Ghada, S., Qin, F., Kim, Y., Aleksic, V., Liu, H. (2024): Efficient Anti-Aliasing and Anti-Leakage Fourier Transform for High-Dimensional Seismic Data Regularization Using Cube Removal and GPU. Petroleum Science.
Sui, Y., Ma, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, D., Li, Y. (2024): Seismic Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Using a Structure-Oriented Matched Filter. Geophysics.
Wei, W, Lu, P., Luo, P. (2024): Predicting Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction Reaction Process and H2s Generation in Carbonate Reservoirs Using Comprehensive Kinetics Modeling. Geoenergy Science and Engineering.
Wei, W., Lu, P., Zhu, C., Luo, P., Mesdour, R. (2024): Advanced Machine Learning Models for CO2 and H2S Solubility in Water and NaCl Brine: Implications for Geoenergy Extraction and Carbon Storage. Energy & Fuels.
Wu, Q., Ding, L., Zhao, L., Alhashboul, A., Almajid, M., Patil, P., Zhao, W., Fan, Z. (2024): CO2 Soluble Surfactants for Carbon Storage in Carbonate Saline Aquifers with Achievable Injectivity: Implications from the Continuous CO2 Injection Study. Energy.
Wu, Q., Ding, L., Zhao, L., Zhao, W., AlYousef, Z., Alsaud, M.A., Fan, Z. (2024): Dynamic Adsorption of Switchable Amine Surfactants on Carbonate Under Reservoir Conditions: Implications for Foam Assisted CO2 Storage. Chemical Engineering Journal.
Xia, K., Cui, Y., Mahmood, T. (2024): A Novel Oriented Perforation Approach for Fracturing Deep and Tight Reservoirs. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.